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Sandra Kass Gilman: Giving Back to the University

Sandra Kass Gilman: Giving Back to the University

As an estate planning attorney, Sandra Kass Gilman '72, J.D. '75 counsels her clients about the importance of estate planning to both secure their families' futures and to express their personal values with the support of meaningful charities. So she has made certain to follow her own advice.

Sandra, a member of The UCLA Foundation Board of Directors, has included UCLA in her estate plan. "I believe in the institution, and I want future generations to benefit from the superb teaching, research and public service that UCLA offers," she says.

Her involvement with the campus runs deeps. Sandra received the University Service Award from the UCLA Alumni Association in 2002 and has been on the Boards of Directors of the UCLA Alumni Association, the Gold Shield Alumnae of UCLA, and the Prytanean Alumnae Association. She is also a Dean's Counsel for the UCLA School of Law and a past member of the Law Library Alumni Campaign Cabinet. She chairs the First Century Society Advisory Council, as well as The UCLA Foundation Finance Committee.

A bequest in a will or trust is one of the easiest ways to support a program or department, notes Sandra, whose Culver City practice focuses on estate planning, probate, trust law, and real estate law. "Through my bequest commitment, I will be able to give something back to the University that has given me so much."


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