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Paul Craft: Ensuring Continued Access to a Tremendous Biomedical Resource

Paul Craft: Ensuring Continued Access to a Tremendous Biomedical Resource

Paul Craft spent many long, productive hours in UCLA's Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library while studying for his MS in Psychology at Mount St. Mary's College. "It was a tremendous resource for me," recalls Paul, who served as Senior Executive Director of Information Technology Services for UCLA External Affairs from 2001 to May 2008.

Now, he is helping to ensure that future students will benefit as he did, with a provision in his living trust for the renowned library and its "amazing collection."

Paul graduated with his BS in Business Administration cum laude from Mount St. Mary's College and is completing his master's thesis on baby boomers and retirement. He never intended to leave UCLA's employ, then his alma mater asked him to consider a different career path and he couldn't resist the challenge. He currently is Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Mount St. Mary's College. However, he hopes to return to UCLA as a doctoral student in educational leadership.

Paul grew up in a blue-collar family and understands the opportunities education can provide. "It's important to support those institutions that make a difference in our lives," he notes. "UCLA has made an invaluable contribution in mine, not to mention its contribution to this entire region. We need to make sure the University is here for the people who come after us."


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