Our legacy is advancing knowledge, inventing cures and solutions
What will your legacy be?


Gift Planning News

Be the Bridge

Just as a UCLA education builds bridges to better lives, philanthropy builds bridges for the brightest students to come to UCLA. With a gift to support scholarships through your will or living trust, you can empower future generations.

How to establish a legacy through your estate documents:
  • Earmark your gift for UCLA scholarships (you can direct your gift to any field of study you wish).
  • Give a specific amount, a particular asset, or choose to give a part, or all, of what is let of your estate (residue) after first providing for your loved ones.

Learn more about bequests

For more in-depth information or for assistance in drafting bequest language, please call 800-737-8252 or email us at [email protected].


Read the latest news from campus: How campus units are collaborating to provide PPE for medical staff • UCLA researchers and global effort to test therapies • A summary of the "CARES Act" Congress signed into law and Gift Planning news. read more

UCLA charitable gift annuities-Higher rates effective January 1, 2024! For more information, contact [email protected] or 800-737-8252